

Initial Naturopathic Intake- 60 minutes

This introductory session consists of a comprehensive health assessment. Physical examination and laboratory testing may be recommended to gain a deeper understanding of your current state of health, and to help develop a treatment plan individualized to your needs. Consider bringing your up to date labs and imaging so we can start treatment right away.

Subsequent Physical Medicine-30 minutes 

Appointments include a combination of trigger point injection therapy, muscle work and spinal manipulation.

IV therapy- 30- 60 minutes

Iv nutrient therapy are great for conditions that cause malabsorption or if you simply want to boost your immune system

Subsequent Naturopathic- 30 minutes 

Treatment emphasis is placed on patient education and guidance to help you take control over your own health. We will work together to address your current health concerns, help maintain a long-term health plan and strengthen your physical and mental health to prevent future disease.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLT)- 15- 30 minutes

Laser treatments (Class IV) are usually only 5-15 minutes in duration, depending on the size, depth and acuteness of your condition. Extended visits are available for multiple locations and injuries.

Acupuncture-60 min 

Together we will discuss if this modality is suitable for you. I usually recommend 4-6 consecutive sessions to see the best results

Questions before getting started?