Women’s Health


The modern female is playing many roles, and has to face numerous stresses and challenges in contemporary society. From being a professional, partner, a mother, a daughter and friend; females are becoming busier and busier. This hectic lifestyle brings with it many disturbances in hormonal health, reproductive health, and mental well being. To me, self compassion is the core of growth, to achieve a balanced life, where we can succeed in each and every part of the different obligations and responsibilities we females have. I begin by investigating in depth how the issue has developed, using a wide range of evidence based assessment and patient consultation, to gain a picture of health by searching for the root causes within every aspect of their lifestyle. I provide the tools to restore health, searching for any adjustments that can be made to various aspects of lifestyle, as well as numerous non-invasive treatments and naturally based medicines, to maximize the efficiency of body in order to achieve true holistic health.

Some Common Conditions in the realm of Women’s Health that I am passionate about are: 

  • Heavy and painful periods

  • Breast tenders

  • Menstrual irregularities

  • Chronic Candidiasis and Bacterial Vaginosis

  • Peremenopause and Menopause